
THERA软件是一种治疗和文档记录软件,专门为THERA坐姿和站姿系列开发的产品。 根据治疗的设置和治疗目标,该软件与THERA-Trainer结合使用,可提供大量生物反馈插图和运动练习,这些运动和练习特别支持重新学习运动技能并激发患者快乐训练。

THERA Software is a therapeutic and documentation software developed specifically for the THERA series of sitting and standing positions. Depending on the treatment setting and treatment goals, the software is used in conjunction with the THERA-Trainer to provide a large number of biofeedback illustrations and movement exercises that

嵌入式患者数据库允许进行培训控制和以患者为中心的干预计划,以及在治疗过程中进行详细的分析和培训评估。specifically support relearning motor skills and inspire patients to train happily. Patients with embedded database allows training control and centered on patients with the intervention of the plan, as well as a detailed analysis in the process of treatment and training evaluation.

  • 任务导向的方法Task-oriented approach
  • 高重复High-repetition-rate
  • 极限训练Limitation training
  • 有针对性的反馈Targeted feedback
  • 外部任务重点External task focus
  • 反馈控制的培训Feedback control training
  • 多功能治疗游戏Multifunctional therapy game
  • 具体的,具有挑战性的目标Specific, challenging goals
  • 文件和评估Documentation and evaluation
  • 生动有趣的画面刺激神经增生性改变Vivid and interesting images stimulate neuroproliferative changes
  • 激励患者提高运动技能Motivate patients to improve motor skills
  • 可与他人的沟通交流Can communicate with others

界面展示 Display Interface

用户主界面Main user interface

Quickly select treatment tasks and quickly adapt all training parameters

坐姿训练Sitting posture training

Get the best out of your workout with performance-boosting animations.


站姿训练Standing posture training

Motor exercises that incorporate visual and auditory feedback (forward/backward – left/right)
Structured documentation and evaluation of all important training parameters.
Cycling in a world famous town is refreshing.
Targeted action and reaction speed training.